Monday, July 21, 2014

And sometimes things just start to come together.

Thanks to the incredibly talented folks at Sandbox Designs, my new website  is just about up and running! During the process of supplying images and copy, I have found myself reflecting on how my career has guided itself despite my best efforts to screw it up. I would have been the last one to tell you that I would be painting grains of rice and razor blades. These things might be parlor tricks to some but the miniature work has hit such a deep and resounding chord with me. I can't help the need to paint small and now understand that it has always been in there waiting to bust out.

The painting 'Air and Steel' was a piece that would not allow me to ignore it. It really became a self portraits of sorts.  Since the late 80's, the airbrush allowed me to bridge the gap between where my art was and where I really felt it was supposed to be. During the 90's, it was an unassuming razor blade painting that changed the way that I look at all of my art. Creating a painting now that featured the two was the natural next step.

'Air and Steel' began as a personal study and it was really meant to only make sense to me. What blew me away was when it began to appeal to others. Especially those outside of the airbrush community. I expected my peers in the airbrush world that were used to my miniature obsession to understand yet I wasn't prepared for the mainstream art world to take an extra look. This little painting ended up getting juried into the Cambridge Art Association's RED show.

With that unexpected surprise, I polished my shoes and went to the opening reception, not quite sure of how things were going to go. What I found was that the things that I was passionate about in my work, translated into that work. Others saw what was important to me. It was a solid painting first, tiny second.

That was really the reaction that I hoped for. As artists, we want to be noticed for the message more than method. When the method supports the message, then things really do start to come together.