Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New Happenings

There are a lot of great things brewing here around the paint bench so I thought that I’d take a breather for a moment and outline a few of those new things on the horizon for the fall and winter.

After bouncing around a bit this summer trying to locate the right spot to hold classes, I have made the decision to resume my airbrush classes at BearAir in Easton. The first one will be the introduction to Airbrushing Class in January with another to follow in April. I am very excited to get these classes rolling again! Classes can be purchased directly at www.BearAir.com or shortly at www.stevenleahy.com.
Next bit of news is the addition of a store to my website. This has been planned for a while and it is fantastic to know it is in the final stages. From the online store, you will be able to sign up for classes, purchase artwork (both reproductions and originals) and even possibly airbrushes through Richpen. Look for the brand new store very soon!

Third event that has started brewing is the next solo art exhibit. The process now is at the stage where I am drawing up a proposal for the show and beginning to look for a venue. The show itself will feature the miniature artwork from the past year. One of things that I have found is that for as great as the online reaction to these paintings has been, it is nothing like the experience of seeing them for real. Everything from the beauty of the custom built frames to the actual artwork, it is the impact of the total package that makes the experience. The rough date for the opening will likely be in May of 2013 so stay tuned.

Finally, the workbench has been buzzing lately with commissions. That is always good for keeping the lights on. The latest has been the razor blade painting for NASCAR driver #96 Ben Kennedy. The challenge here was to pull off the sponsor logos in a way that would look real. Once this painting is clear, I have two more commissions to get done before I start digging into some of the new paintings for the show in May. My artistic passion is really fueled there as I can take chances on my own pieces that I cannot take on someone else’s. Keep an eye on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StevenLeahyArt for daily updates on those and all other studio projects.

Thanks as always for checking in and seeing what is new!!